
Why Is My Toilet Bubbling?

why is my toilet bubbling

Get help dealing with toilet trouble from the friendly team at Honest Lee Handyman Services. 

Whenever you flush the toilet, you expect the waste to disappear down the drain without any unusual noises or other issues. That’s why it is so alarming when the water in the bowl starts to bubble and make gurgling noises, especially when it happens without warning when no one’s using the toilet.

If you wonder, “Why is my toilet bubbling?” the short answer is that there is negative air pressure somewhere in the plumbing system. Because this can occur for multiple reasons, you most likely need help from Honest Lee Handyman Services, Lincoln’s trusted handyman, to find the problem and repair it before it causes more substantial plumbing issues and even damage. 

Understanding Air Pressure and Plumbing 

When plumbing works properly, air can move freely throughout the system, and water and waste can flow freely from the toilet and sink or tub drains out of your home. The system pulls in air from the vent pipe, creating the suction that occurs when you flush the toilet. 

However, if there is negative air pressure in the pipes, it will cause abnormal suction that releases that pressure and pushes water back up the drain. Trapped air has nowhere to go, so it bubbles back up into the toilet. 

At that point, the question, “Why is my toilet bubbling?” becomes, “Why is there air in the plumbing system?” That can happen for several reasons. 

1. Clogs 

Clogs are the most common reason for air in the plumbing lines and a bubbling toilet. If anything blocks the toilet drain, it will impede airflow, resulting in the trapped air bubbling back up into the toilet bowl. Flushing anything other than waste and toilet paper, including “flushable wipes,” feminine hygiene products, kitty litter, dental floss, or other objects, can create a clog.

Sometimes, a blocked drain line deeper in the plumbing system can cause air and water to back up into the toilet and create bubbles. Sewer line problems can come from tree branches infiltrating the pipe, debris buildup, and foreign objects, or they could be due to a blockage or issue within the municipal sewer system. 

A gurgling and bubbling toilet, accompanied by a foul sewage odor, is often one of the first signs of an issue with the sewer line. You might also have backups in showers and sinks, so get help from a professional handyman as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may have to deal with a sewage backup and extensive damage.

2. Improper Venting 

Your home has a plumbing vent stack on the roof to allow sewer gases to escape and water to flow freely by releasing negative air pressure. A clogged vent pipe doesn’t allow this airflow, which can result in the toilet bubbling, slow drains, and other plumbing concerns. 

Vent pipes may clog due to debris like leaves or twigs, or an animal might build its nest in the pipe. You may be able to identify a clogged vent pipe by a sewer smell outside or slow drains inside.

Whatever the reason for a vent stack issue, immediately removing the blockage is critical to protecting the plumbing against damage. However, because this requires climbing up on the roof, it’s best to leave the investigation and cleaning to a professional for safety.

3. Excess Air in the Water Tank 

Sometimes, the answer to, “Why is my toilet bubbling?” is as simple as there’s too much air in the toilet tank. If you notice the toilet seems to bubble when the tank is refilling after a flush, wait for the running water to stop. Then, remove the lid from the tank and open the filler valve manually to allow some of the water to drain.

After about five minutes, flush the toilet again to see whether draining the tank solved the problem. This process should flush out any excess air or gas in the drain and stop the toilet from bubbling. If it doesn’t, you need help from a plumber or handyman to locate the source of the problem. 

4. Low Water Level

When the toilet doesn’t have enough water in the tank, it will gurgle, bubble, and drain slowly. Without enough water, the water pressure for each flush won’t be enough to push waste down the drain, increasing the potential for a clog. 

Low water levels can occur for several reasons. Sometimes, you only need to adjust the float in the tank to the proper level, which will allow more water to flow in after each flush. A malfunctioning filling apparatus can prevent enough water from flowing into the toilet bowl, or the toilet itself may not be level, which can cause the bowl and tank water levels to fall below the ideal level. 

If adjusting the float doesn’t solve the problem and your toilet still bubbles while it refills, you need a professional to check it out and figure out what’s happening. It may be as simple as reinstalling the toilet so it’s level on the floor or baseplate. 

Get Help With Tricky Toilet Issues From Honest Lee Handyman Services

A working toilet is a priority, so when your toilet isn’t flushing right or making unusual sounds, you need to act quickly to prevent even bigger problems. Although you may need to call a plumber to handle sewer line problems and significant plumbing disasters, the licensed team of service providers from Honest Lee Handyman Services is standing by to help with many of the most common household problems.

If you need an answer to, “Why is my toilet bubbling?” or any other plumbing issues, call (916) 542-1006 to request an estimate and schedule an appointment with Honest Lee Handyman Services. We back our award-winning toilet repair service with a warranty and guarantee your satisfaction. We can also handle toilet and faucet upgrades and installations, lighting installation, home maintenance, and more, so call us today for help in Placer and Sacramento Counties.
